Blogs » Personal Ride Stories » Triple Nickel "Ohio's Dragon-Tail & All"

Triple Nickel "Ohio's Dragon-Tail & All"

  • Yesterday the projected weather report was Sunny & 80 here in central Ohio.  One of our Friday breakfast riding group suggested a pre-ride of Ohio 555 in advance of a scheduled HOG club ride coming up in May.  Five of us made our way from Columbus to the south side of Zanesville where we picked up Ohio 555.  2 hours and approximately 100 miles later we ended up at Belpre on the Ohio River, with huge smiles on our sunburned faces.  This route compares favorably to NC's "Tail of the Dragon" for the following reasons:  It is longer, more challenging, less crowded, has more varied scenery, and is a real stretch of road, used by locals and tourists.  We rode Tourers and Cruisers, not Sportbikes, so there was lots of floorboard and jiffystand scraping.  We got our money's worth on tires, since we put wear on the sidewalls as well as middle tread.  If you live or ride anywhere near SE Ohio, I recommend this ride, you owe it to yourself to give it a try.  I promise you won't be disappointed.  One word to the wise, make sure you have a full tank, cause fuel stops are scarce.  If anyone reading this has other ride suggestions, please post them for the rest of us to try.


  • highrisk Sounds like an awesome ride. You should post some pictures
  • Dale Highrisk,
    Like a dummy, I forgot the camera, however I'll be sure to include it when our HOG group does it in May. Will try to get some action shots to post for all to enjoy.
    I see from your profile that you are in WA. Lucky you, it sure is beautiful...  more