September 14, 2012 7:12 AM PDT
Out driving with my new bike years ago,and the question came up as I was sitting by a cattle pasture watching some of them graze,it was a peacefull place.Looking over my bike framed against the pasture I noticed one of the cows gazing back at my bike.It hit me rite then,the name for my scoot, Blubelle stuck in my mind.
As for me,everything in this world has a soul,its own character.Even machines,and she knows I know this & has always brought me safely home.Like the time my starter switch crapped out on me,we were at my house on a lunch break, came out went to fire her up ..nothing....its like wtf?? yet I realized she picked the best spot for me to break down at
This is my 5th scooter & all of them had names,and all of them were worthy bikes.
September 19, 2012 3:03 PM PDT will never get the Dragon back! sorry baby!!
September 19, 2012 7:26 PM PDT
Well everyone I guess I stand corrected ........Plesae forgive me for bringing this. Problem into the family!
September 19, 2012 11:18 PM PDT
I havnt really named my bike yet,I put MY V-Star on the garage,I figure Ill know when the right name comes that really fits,Ill let yall know when it comes. Ride safe ride hard
September 20, 2012 4:40 AM PDT
I dont name mine.....but other people do.....Thats why "Big Yella" is called Big Yella..... The Jet Trike was called "Colossus" even before it was finished being built, so that sticks-and besides-its welded onto the top fuel Harley is just the Harley.....
September 20, 2012 1:50 PM PDT
Both of mine have names, both of their names mean some thing... All 4 of the better halfs bikes have names and all of them fit his bikes. And when their are 6 in the shed they need names so you know witch bike a person is talking about. Also they are girls try putting a boy in with 6 girls that would be TROUBLE!!!
And yes I have bonds with every bike in the shed. And all those relationships are different... THe problem I have is keeping them from getting jealious of each other.
September 21, 2012 11:12 AM PDT
I'm glad you got the Dragon back! Hopefully many years of riding ahead for both of you!