Ural Tourist. No "Mods" but some accessories

  • May 19, 2013 3:53 AM PDT

  • May 20, 2013 9:10 AM PDT
    Great looking bike and sidecar! I have always wanted to test ride a Ural
    • 44 posts
    May 21, 2013 1:48 PM PDT
    Very Nice
  • May 21, 2013 3:11 PM PDT
    That is cool looking. Does the little dog ride in there?
    • 3006 posts
    May 22, 2013 4:10 AM PDT
    Congrats!!..Nice looking scoot, seen one of these in person, just last year, painted in army green.
    Keep us posted on how she rides.

    stay safe n enjoy the ride !!!
  • May 22, 2013 1:18 PM PDT
    Thanks all. @Soft Tail.....Yep. The pup hears the keys and starts going nuts.
    Just hit 2000 Km (just over 1200 miles) and so far AWESOME. All cleaned up and ready for some Memorial Day Riding.

    Safe Rides Everyone.
    • Moderator
    • 16869 posts
    May 23, 2013 6:11 AM PDT
    They are built to last.
  • January 20, 2014 1:56 PM PST
    Latest Accessory........Heated seat in the sidecar.
    • 1 posts
    January 20, 2014 10:04 PM PST
    Urals are great bikes, will take what ever you dish out at them. Slow hard break in processi but if done right these bike will out live us all. Enjoy the journey!
  • January 21, 2014 1:18 AM PST
    looks good
    • 846 posts
    January 21, 2014 5:03 AM PST
    Looks great, Have may fun miles with it.
  • January 22, 2014 8:03 AM PST
    Does this one have a driven chair wheel?

  • January 23, 2014 6:44 AM PST
    Hi Jon. No, the Tourist is a 1WD version. They do have several models that are 2WD.
    @ "Bitchy"......I put a little over 3000 miles on it since Feb. 2013. It's running like a top.
  • February 26, 2014 7:17 AM PST
    I love the Ural BMW R80ish design but always been afraid of the horror stories of fails, like welds coming apart while at speed. I know a guy up here in Maine who has an older 2wd version and says its great in the snow with DOT knobbies. What's your impression and do you think handles well in bad weather and/or rough terrain? Just curious since I was considering one and converting to a scrambler.
  • February 26, 2014 11:52 AM PST
    John.......Like everything, If you use it the way it's designed, follow the maintenance schedule and take care of things that break or need adjustment, It'll last a long time. Usually the ones you hear about breaking something were doing something it wasn't designed for or capable of doing.  Of course, there's sometimes a defective part......just like Every Mechanical thing I've ever owned.

    I treat mine as more of a street bike. It's not a 2WD, so I don't get out in the snow or rough terrain. Although.....we have a large group here in Colorado that do plenty of Forrest Service roads and even some of the pretty challenging Moab, UT trails. No Complaints and those bikes are still kickin A$$.
  • February 26, 2014 1:40 PM PST
  • February 27, 2014 1:23 PM PST
    I think we're done with winter and ready for Riding.  Last of the Mods and Accessories for the winter.

    Sidecar Door, Aux Driving lights with European Headlight switch

  • March 26, 2014 4:13 AM PDT
    Awesome!! We just started instaling seatbelts and harnesses in our Urals for customers with cute doggies like that!
  • March 26, 2014 4:15 AM PDT
    Take a look at the Urals we just got in...these are PRE-fuel injected