As some of you may know my Bikers for a Safer Society Patch is worn by several CF members, and today I actually had to enforce the concept. You never know when this kind of act will happen. I had gone to the rest home to visit my Mom for Mothers day. As I was leaving I had to pass a conveince store to get home. As I sat at a light I was looking around, and noticed at this concience store several teens apparently giving an older lady a hard time. I wasn't sure what the problem was but decided to invetstigate, so I skiped the light, and turned into the convience store, pulled up right next to the older lady's car which was surounded by teens. I got out and approched the car and ask the older lady if she was ok. She told me the teens tried unsucessfully to take her purse. The teens seem pissed off about something, so I confronted the apartent ring leader and ask why his buddy's had given the old lad a hard time. They said when they had ask her a question she shot them the finger. (considering the old lad must have been at least 80 years old I throught that was pretty cool). I told them they two options......they could leave the store now or I would let the old lady kick the shit out of them. They left calling me every name execpt white boy. That is all it took to put this issue to bed. This is what the patch means ........just get involved.
The Dragon
White boy done good!
You are white ay?
You go dragon!! Makes me feel better about leaving my momma knowing there are men/people like you out there!!!
You GO Dragon !!!! You are da man of the hour !!!!!!!!! (And that my friends is WHY I wear Dragon's patch proudly !!)
Enough said ND just the show of authourity is what some teens need to put them in their place. Should have kick the ringleaders butt. Good on you mate!!!!!
way to go!
and the Dragon's patch is on my vest as well...
BRAVO ,YOUNG SIR,.. well done bro.
Good job ND, and thats why we are proud to wear the patch!
that is why i like the dragon, fire in his veins and shooting out his ass! i wear your patch with pride everywhere! maybe should have let granny have a shot at the lil punk and kept the others out of the way!
White boy keepin' the brotha's down.
Good job!
An associate of mine who is also a fellow veteran, when in the company of veterans, will raise his glass and toast "To us and those like us".
I'm raising my glass to you Brother.
"The only thing necessary for the triumph of evil is for good men to do nothing." -Edmund Burke
damn right it is!
same here bro, proud ta wear and apply the patch ta the situation
May 10, 2010 10:33 PM PDT
May 10, 2010 11:37 PM PDT
Brother Dragon, i did not totally understand the concept behind your patch. I had missed the page where you explained your idea, just heard all the chatter about it. Now i understand your concept, believe in it, and can explain to others when asked about the patch i proudly wear. Right on Brother!!!!!!!!!!!!
This is what the patch means ........just get involved.
The Dragon
Way to go Dragon. Getting involved sure beats the hell out of just complaining how bad things have become!
Nice work Dragon, But you better be careful using that term older lady, she may read this and come back and slap you, you young whipper snapper
u would no mess wee my gran ....
she's ..rock hard .
thats ma mums mum ,,lol
Nightdragon, well done my friend! You lead by example.. FYI my patches will all be on by the end of this month..
May 11, 2010 11:51 AM PDT
I did nothing more than anyone else would have that believe's in the concept......but thanks for the kind words
This is what the patch means ........just get involved.
The Dragon
Way to go Dragon. Getting involved sure beats the hell out of just complaining how bad things have become!
Good on ya brother!
Well done Dragon, tis good to see it in action.