Build-off between Senior, Junior and Jesse James

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    • 16869 posts
    October 31, 2011 3:49 PM PDT
  • Ry
    October 31, 2011 5:42 PM PDT
    Looks interesting. I thought Jesse stopped building since he closed up WCC.
    • 5420 posts
    October 31, 2011 6:05 PM PDT
    Jesse closed up WCC, but I'm sure someone like him cannot ever stop building bikes.
    • 0 posts
    October 31, 2011 6:47 PM PDT
    whataa crock o shite...What bloody next OCC versus WWE? This crap has run its course..Cant seriously be people who still watch these rip of artists assemble clown bikes for the corporate wankers to use as tax dodges....Shakin my bloody head...Cheers Boof
    • Moderator
    • 19067 posts
    October 31, 2011 8:42 PM PDT
    Amen to what my Down Under Mate Just Said!!!
  • October 31, 2011 11:06 PM PDT
    Sorry guys can't stomach these two clowns any more but might watch this one but if the BS family problems start it will be turned off. Jesse hasn't had a good few years either can't find a wife that will last long .
    • 2072 posts
    November 1, 2011 12:33 AM PDT
    Used to be a BIG OCC fan but after all the B.S. that went on with the family, I just can't stand to watch it anymore. Jesse is such an arrogant ass I can't watch him either !!!
  • November 1, 2011 12:37 AM PDT
    I would be interested in seeing some bikes built by Vinnie and Rick. I believe the two of them would turn out some nice bikes.
  • November 1, 2011 12:55 AM PDT
    Too much drama, Too bad Indian?Larry had to die and what ever happened to Rick from texas I liked their show because they were more about friends and cookouts and whatnot. And they built bitchen scoots.

    • 1 posts
    November 1, 2011 3:56 AM PDT
    I actually keep American Chopper on in the garage with the sound off and music playing. I just like to see the actual working on the bike - the pipe bending to make custom exhaust and stuff like that. I really like watching Rick pound metal too. If that is really him doing it, he is a true artist!.

    Since it is the DISCOVERY CHANNEL, you would think they would spend more time film the building and less on the drama. Even biker build off started out with more building then entertainment. Now I'm kind of tired of watching them yell on the phone at distributors, blah, blah. And really waht are the chances of every single biker build off having one or both of the builders pushing the start button with 3 minutes on the clock?!?!
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    • 16869 posts
    November 1, 2011 5:10 AM PDT
    Ry wrote...
    Looks interesting. I thought Jesse stopped building since he closed up WCC.

    Jesse bought part of the Austin Speed Shop in Texas.
    This is where he is building stuff now.

    • Moderator
    • 16869 posts
    November 1, 2011 5:13 AM PDT
    wheels wrote...
    I would be interested in seeing some bikes built by Vinnie and Rick. I believe the two of them would turn out some nice bikes.

    These guys have talent, and Jesse beside his "issues" has some mad skills.

    • 1 posts
    November 1, 2011 11:58 AM PDT
    Used to watch shows like these but OCC one was a cure for that habit.
    Come up with a "CONCEPT". - cheeze, crimen, almighty - What a flaming crock - a "CONCEPT"!!!
    Sketch something with a honkin big drag tire, you couldn't strap me on with cargo webbing. - Order a bunch of stuff & open a bunch of boxes - Bolt a bunch of stuff together - Then weld on useless c'p, that in the event of a crash is certain to remove important parts of your anatomy. - Chrome it

    Did like the JJ one early on, I mean aside from the porn star xwife, liked to watch him use the "English Wheel", was a new process for me.
    But all things considered, to date have seen about 2 interesting ideas & one ride I would like to get on (none of them from the JJ-OCC shops)

    p.s.: Why does it always have to be a "bike" can't they say "MOTORCYCLE" or 'RIDE" or "MACHINE"??? - Swear the one twit has a bet on for the most times he can fit the word "BIKE" in in15 seconds.
  • November 2, 2011 5:35 AM PDT
    I thought I saw where Vinnie and Rick had started building their own design....maybe not (foggy) The best bike built on there was the first one the kid built, old style chopper with a jockey shift...many years ago. Personally, I don't care for their style and the show sucks. I miss Indian Larry and the biker build off series.
  • November 19, 2011 4:29 AM PST
    I dont watch OCC anymore. Seems like " pull a frame from bin A, a tank from bin B "and so on. If these were cutting edge NEW ideas they would have the viewership. I think dad & son's idea of biking is being on stage in the Glam. I personally think they are out of touch with the heart of real biking, but this is just my opinion no offense. Vinnie, Rick and the kid on the other hand would make a nice 3rd team that would shake things up.
  • November 19, 2011 4:32 AM PST
    PS I dont know about the rest of the group but I like "rideable bikes". Not an 11 foot sled that would kill you to ride 50 miles. But then, these bikes werent made to be ridden anyway.
  • November 20, 2011 1:32 AM PST
    Yea, I don't deliberately watch OCC, but by chance when flipping the channels, I may watch. I would like to see JJ 'boot' up again though....
    Boof, that was funny...'next WWE'....but look man, those guys aren't concerned....they're laughing all the way to the BANK!
    • 3006 posts
    November 20, 2011 3:07 AM PST
    Watched a couple of episodes this year n gave up on it,the drama mama's are too over the top,and the lack of real build footage drives me crazy,I only watched to get idea's for my own sad attempts customizing my own ride.Still almost any bike building is ok with me,better then watching another "friends" rerun..!!! just dont git me started on SOA!!!
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    • 16869 posts
    November 20, 2011 5:26 AM PST
    I don't want to sound like a bragger but in the early 1990's, after going to major auto shows since I was in a stroller,
    I decided to show what I was building, nervous at first going against bikes built by "big time" builders.
    We done well, I have a couple of crates full of trophies, mostly 1st, and 2nd places, one 3rd, and two 4ths.
    Anybody that has looked through my photos can see I have a very low-tech deal going on.
    What I'd love to see is a "biker build-off" with common equipment found in an everyday D.I.Y. biker's garage.
  • November 20, 2011 11:14 AM PST
    Yeah I've seen the build offs and I know that some parts you just can't fart out there in the shop but c'mon the Tuetles hire a LOT of work out... just stopped being a fan when became more about the dad and son argument episodes drama queen spin off. *YAWN*
    I thought Southern Chopper was pretty funny and since JJ shut down WCC that whole phase of bikes no longer interests me at all. I'd rather see what you guys come up with or what some new motorcycle owner does with his OEM with a cutting torch, welder and some good ideas.
    Those two are all about one upping each other... so what it comes down to, like everything in our now BORING culture, money. Anybody tired of that whole concept yet? Buy your way to a win?
    • 1161 posts
    November 22, 2011 6:17 AM PST
    I was in to OCC (Paul Sr, Rick) and PJD (Paul Jr, Vinny) and WCC (Jessie James) but all the drama they can leave it out and show me what they are doing I.E. Exhaust, Tanks or what ever but they keep beating the same dead horse. I like to see some of what they do but there is other companys that do things and never get the reconigion for doing cutting edge things and end up going under. because they can't get a T.V. show to air out there dirty laundry on. Show me the work they are doing and how they do it like the car shows they show on Sat. and Sun. mornings. And Kick all the drama the hell out!

    As for me they can all go F--k them selves.
    • 467 posts
    November 22, 2011 8:45 AM PST
    Yeah, I don't if anybody watched the latest episode (I did just because it discussed the build-off) and soon regretted it! JJ spent his entire lot of screen time trash talkin' and being vulgar and childish. He is sooo off the radar for interest with his behavior! He just comes off as patheticly childish. And OCC crews are not much better. They did handle the JJ crap with some class though (which surprised me actually). I don't believe I will be tuning into the build off just on principal alone. Curiosity be damned!
  • November 28, 2011 11:15 AM PST
    Talent is talent....If you give a mechanic a decent shop to work out of, his creative side comes from within. If they can dream it, they can usually build it with the right funds.....But with the right backing and reality television, the sky is the limit.....I agree that a good host on a Saturday or Sunday morning show...Just Building Bikes.....And I think it could do fantastic.....Everyone is tired of listening to these clowns, and its gotten outta control to say the least.
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    • 19067 posts
    November 28, 2011 9:32 PM PST
    Repeating what I said in another forum...
    Reality TV is an Oxymoron. No reality and bad scripts. I can not understand this tabloid attraction to all the drama crap.
  • November 29, 2011 1:20 AM PST
    Doncha know the world seems to evolve round the "drama". Quit watching myself. Got tired of the squabbles, court apps, family fights, childish actions, etc. a lonnnnnng time ago.